Drop it Like a Squat!

Saturday- Leg Day aka I cant walk for days day

There is nothing like waking up to your father in law hollering to the basement. If your one to sleep in on a Saturday, (as it seems to be the only day you can ever sneak in a few more hours), than this is one alarm that will have you shooting out of bed like no other. After some mild frustration from my better half, we managed to rush out of bed to fix a fence post. As the rest of the world was “awake”, apparently we were supposed to be as well :S

After three long hours of spring cleaning and fence post fixing, it was finally time to hit the bar! Every Saturday we hit the bar, load up the plates and off we go, never leaving before we’ve finished at least 10 shots. Okay so we don’t really hit the bar, but we do hit the squat rack- which is my happy hour! We follow GVT training (German Volume Training) which usually means 10×10, or on a nice day 6×6 but those precious days only come every 4 weeks. The truth is those 6×6 training days look like a nice glass of rose wine, until they come- Then they go down like a bad shot of prairie fire. (Have I mentioned yet that after 3 days I am barely able to now sit on my knees or do any sort of leg movement- sitting for days after was a chore. )

Never the less, Saturday is my all time favorite work out day! Leg day! The only thing better than working out on leg day, is scouting the gym for all the folks (particularly the males 😉 ) who you can easily identify as “Leg-day skippers”.
My better half used to be a “skipper” but ever since we started our GVT training I think he loves it just as much as I do.

When I first started I hated leg day, it meant the dreaded squat rack. This was one technique I wasn’t going to use during training, no matter the time of day, the gym was always fleeted with 3 squat racks, and testosterone filled males grunting while they lift 2 plates on either side. For me, this was intimidating, realistically, I shouldn’t have been intimidated by a bunch of men squatting, but I was. Not only did I feel small in comparison, I had a neck injury I was trying to work around that consistently made me feel weak and powerless. Today is a much different story, while I still battle the unforgivable neck injury, I drop it like a squat, in front of all the males, loud and proud! My favorite competitor is still my boyfriend, while he may squat two plates, I do my best to keep up, even if that means squeezing in an extra 20 squats at the end- like they say go big or go home!





What are your favorite leg day exercises?

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